


Dreams To Action!


Act on your Dreams! 95% of the people work on Dreams, Visions and Goals but drop out in the middle. Each one of us holds dreams, visions and which we aspire to transform into reality.  Most of us make new resolutions but don’t follow. We make financial goals but can’t stick by them. We start working but don’t [...]

Dreams To Action!2019-08-14T18:49:38+05:30

Manifest Your Dreams!


“Create a Life of your own Dreams!!!”  A workshop from the annual 'Design Your Life' Programme.  Are you living the quality of life you wish too?   Think about this….. Are your VISIONS, ASPIRATIONS & GOALS getting manifested? Are your Dreams coming True? Are you able to prioritize the goals? Do you believe you can [...]

Manifest Your Dreams!2019-07-16T08:48:44+05:30



HEALTH                            By Manoj Lekhi Some one  says  I am healthy Some  one  says I  am   unhealthy Now  how  does  one  define  health Thats  the  big  question ?   Health  is  the  experience  of  no- body If  you  have  a headache Than you [...]

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