How Would Life Be?

A Poem by Manoj J Lekhi (Amrut Vivek)

If there were only men in the world

How would life be?


If there were only women in the world

How would life be?


If there were only saints in the world

How would life be?

Just dead

If there were only devils in the world

How would life be?

Also dead

Life is full of opposites

Life is full of fun

The good and the bad

The saint and the sinner

The moral and the immoral

The man and the women

Makes life a worthwhile journey

The laughter and the tears

The happiness and the sadness

The pleasure and the pain

Makes life a journey of wonder

When God made this world

He also made the ‘other’

When God made you

He also made me

 (17 06 98 3 am Solapur BST)