Create Your Life,
The Way You Want It!
Manoj J. Lekhi
Inner Freedom to Outer Abundance!

Did you know that, all that we are experiencing in our life, we are creating it?
Did you know that,Â
If our life is not as per our liking in any areas of:Â
HEALTH, WEALTH and REALTIONSHIPS or any other area,Â
We can change it!
Yes! We can.Â
We are the creators of our life!
We have the power within us!
We have the ability to change!

We conduct Online Workshops On Daily Basis from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM IST
On different topics related to Health, Wealth & Relationships...
Join Us Now!
Our Programs!
Design Your Life!
Design Your Life!
The Success Cue!
The Success Cue!
Magic of Marriage!
S.C.O.P.E. Camp!
Experience the Bliss...
S.C.O.P.E. Camp!
Clearing the five bodies
Organising Effortlessly
Planning Joyfully
Energizing using the five elements
The Art of Parenting!
The Art of Parenting is an experiential workshop for Parents from the stage of conception to 8 years
Rishi Gurukulam!
Rishi Gurukulam!
Know MoreSocial Responsibilities!
Social Responsibilities
Know MoreManoj J. Lekhi!
Inner Freedom to Outer Abundance!
A Super Leader is appreciative &
thanks every moment.
– By Manoj J Lekhi (Amrut Vivek)

Manoj Lekhi is a key disciple of Guruji, a truth-seeker at heart and a friend, philosopher and guide to thousands.
He specialises in the ‘inside-out’ approach to life which is all about changing oneself within and experiencing abundance in and out. His expertise lies in the area of child development, education, consciousness, management and leadership skills.
What People Say!
With the superior Tools given in the Workshop, I am able to have a work-life balance and enjoying my life every moment.
Nandini Shah
On the application of given tools and techniques, I have made a profit of more than 25% annually.
Rishi Punjabi
Business Man
I got healed from psoriasis in just 3months by practicing few given processec without exercise.
Ved Lekhi
Home Maker
My daughter has learnt to be in Gratitude for every thing and creates the next 1&1/2 hr effectively.
Bhaskar Narkhede
IT Professional